Tuesday, June 23, 2009

bridal shower treats

So I'm in the throes of planning a bridal shower that I will be throwing for my childhood best friend this Saturday. I've been scouring wedding blogs and event planning sites for great ideas on how to make this day special for her. It really means a lot to me to throw this shower...we've known each other since we were 3 and I just can't believe she's about to get married!

The shower itself is being held at my house in our hometown, and my mom has been really wonderful offering to host & help with all the planning. Erin (bride to be & bff) couldn't decide on wedding colors between green & blue and pink & green and ultimately went with green & blue, so the shower we're throwing her is going to be all pink & green themed so she can have both!

Right now I'm up to my ears in melted chocolate, pretzels & sprinkes...which is super fun. I'm channeling my slightly crafty, martha stewart-y side (ok, actually the recipe is Rachel Ray, but whatever) and making pink & green pretzel rods for the shower. I've got Phoenix blasting on my iTunes & so far so good...

Recipe is super simple!

1 cup chocolate chips (semi sweet)
1 bag thick pretzels rods
decorating sugar (I'm using pink & green)

in the microwave, melt the chocolate chips in a bowl or a pyrex measuring cup. This can take as little as 10 seconds, or as much as a minute, so keep an eye on your microwave to make sure it doesn't burn!

stir the chocolate to until it is smooth. Dip each pretzel rod in the chocolate (covering about 1/4 of the rod) and set them on a cooling rack or an upside down cookie sheet with paper towels or foil to catch the drips. Let the chocolate set slightly, about 30 minutes. 

once they have set slightly, sprinkle them with decorators sugar & let them set completely!

I think these will make an awesome treat at the shower...but could also be used as a gift for the holidays, etc. 

I'll post pictures of the shower next week, but wish me luck with all the baking, cooking & getting ready-ness that needs to happen between now & then! phew!

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